
Moon Tooth, Husbandry, Caustic Cassanova, Lutkie

The Acheron
Sat Dec 5 8pm Ages: 21+
Caustic CassanovaHusbandryLutkieMoon Tooth

About Moon Tooth, Husbandry, Caustic Cassanova, Lutkie

"Gut-thumping prog and punk influenced metal that effortlessly blends the high-adrenaline and technical virtuosity of The Dillinger Escape Plan with the snarl of Mastodon." - Good Times Magazine

Moon Tooth is the new project of long-time friends and collaborators Nick Lee & Ray Marte. The band formed after the breakup of their previous endeavor, Exemption, which released several albums and made many friends touring the east coast during their seven year run from 2005 - 2012. Determined not to let that band's dissolve slow them down, they immediately began work on a bigger, bolder, more aggressive project that became known as Moon Tooth.

Moon Tooth finds the pair at a new plateau of focus and energy. They quickly found kinship and camaraderie with vocalist John Carbone (Rice Cultivation Society) and bassist Vin Romanelli (Give Up The Goods) who both a bring a great deal of personality to the band's sound. This band is eager to crush you with some devastating new jams. First EP entitled simply "FREAKS" was released 7/25/13 & recorded, mixed, and mastered by Ray Marte & Moon Tooth at Westfall Recording Co. in Farmingdale, NY from Winter - Summer 2013 but their live show is where the band truly delivers and with many new tunes already in the works for a full-length they will all assure you that you haven't heard anything yet.

"Husbandry is a band based out of New York City. We make music that sounds like Big Muffs and taco trucks."

She grew up on the plains of Kansas with no signs of life. In her later years she was raised by artist wolves who instilled in her an appreciation for noise rock. Today she is most interested in things that are primal, heavy, chaotic, and unexpected. Before she goes to sleep she pays homage to Hasil Adkins, The Jesus Lizard, Big Black, and all things with a bit of evil.

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